Let’s Fine Tune Your Recruiting Machine

It’s not always the right business decision to engage an outside recruiter, and yes, that’s coming from an outside recruiter.

We often find that there are specific stages of your recruitment life cycle you need help with – not the entire process. That’s why a full-service outsourced search isn’t always the right solution.

We work together to identify bottlenecks in your process, and provide support to you and your recruiting team, only in the areas you need it.

Not getting recruiting results from your team?

Our Process Audit takes a comprehensive, objective look at your recruiting function, identifying areas where you can be getting the most from your people and your systems. In most cases, we find opportunity to improve results without changing staff or systems. Many companies are already paying for software that they aren’t fully utilizing, and/or workflows can be rearranged to take better advantage of team member strengths.

Why should someone come work for you?

You aren’t just competing for talent with your industry peers – you’re competing with a much broader group of businesses in most hiring situations. You need to understand where you stand in the market with regard to your employer brand, and be sure that it’s projecting the image you think it is. We provide you with an objective, detailed SWOT analysis with clear next steps.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are a critical information system for your business.

A good ATS makes your recruiting function more efficient and enhances candidate experience. Properly used, it’s a powerful amplifier of your employer brand; poorly implemented it can be disastrous to your reputation. We provide an assessment of your current system vs. your business needs, and if needed we can select and implement an ATS for you.

Need a recruiter (or more of them) but don’t have the budget?

If your recruiting is being managed by an over-extended HR professional (or you don’t even have that), we can help. You don’t need to hire a full time recruiter. We can enhance and amplify specific stages of your recruiting process, or we can take on management of the entire function for you with a cost-effective solution that gets you the recruiting firepower you need at a fraction of the cost of a full time resource.

Let’s Get to Work.

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